Laughing Dervish - The Multi Media Maven of Lowell

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Mike Watson/ Lenny Hall e-mail exchange

Hi Mike,
How you been doing?I've watched you change you some band names but
I've still kept up with you.
I started a mp3 station of Zappa artists for a cd project for Aids.
You were one of the first artists I thought about.Your music is so
creative and you've endured over 3 years at mp3.Remember it in the old
days.We had a blast didn't we?
To me your presence on mp3 has been remarkable.You had more than one
band going for years by your self.I've admired your playing a great deal
and never forgot how you said my guitar stuff sounds better than most real
guitars.That was a great compliment and it help me get even better and do
it more on later stuff. I hope consider the project.You've been become a great influence and I would like this opportunity to let it be known.
Hope everything been going well for you over the years.I've gone
back to your sites many times for inspiration.
Thanks for your consideration.
Lenny Hall
you might remember me as Lance Gargoyle

Hey Lenny,

Thanks for the positive feedback. It's rare to hear such good
things about the particular brand of musical tinkerings that people such
as ourselves indulge in. I am somewhat selfish in that I create music for my
own consumption but interest and appreciation from others does matter to
me, Thank you. I'd also like to thank you for including my songs in your
various Stations, helping rag-tag sites stuck in the corner of the basement of
MP3.COMs server has got to help bring traffic from the occasional
"car-crash onlooker". I regret that I don't get to for listening purposes too often these days(Job,Musical projects,Girlfriend,Slow modem,etc...) but I
am working on some new material with a new band as well as an acoustic guitar
duet which will surely make their way to eventually. I've also
recently uploaded some new computer ditties and fretless guitar bits to
of my sites. Anything regarding Frank Zappa is a go for me, sounds like a
great idea. What do you have in mind? I'll check out your Station and see
I can find any info there.
Thanks again Lenny.

Subject: Zappa Project

Hey Lenny, Mike Watson here. I'm going to have to go through my sites to find what I think is the best choices for the project...Maybe you can help: Do you think the material that is most Zappa-like is more appropriate or are you going for a more extended example of Zappa's influence(meaning:Not so much Zappa-sounding as Zappa-founding) or perhaps an example of each(because I have both). Please feel free to lead me down any particular path you might have in mind or if not I'm sure I can come up with something but it's going to take me a few days. As for your question about new music on my sites, I have recently uploaded a few new ditties:
all at:
Check them out if you get a chance, it's mostly home-recorded computer bits but ain't that the beauty of MP3.COM that you can offer and receive music that no record lable would ever allow to see the light of day.
Also, would you send me links to all of your sites. I know of The Other Orchestra and Lance Gargoyle but I'm pretty sure you have more don't you?
Thanks Lenny.

Subject: Re: Zappa Project

Hi Mike,
I think for you one of both would do.
I'll go to your sites later on and hear the new songs.I always like hearing what new stuff your doing.I bet I have mp3's of your songs from years ago with your old band names that's how well I know your music.
If you have that many new songs I bet you've added more songs than anyone else I know of.The trend the last year has been kinda like FU mp3 if I have to pay $20.00 a month and not make the money back they're just not gonna even bother posting new songs.That's stupid.If mp3 is giving us the space for free but not paying us who cares.
Here's all my bands.Some I've changed the names over the years.
I've got a pretty good set up with all my music.It's in one region of Lowell with maybe 7 other bands that are not mine but mine seem to dominate the region and the genres.You can see this on my music section on my Home Page.
If you hit Laughing Dervish Broadcasting you get the top songs of the region on that day.The same thing happens with all the genres.Every day I can see what songs are on top.It really doesn't mean much but its interesting watching what songs are on top each day.
Here's something else on my home page you might get a kick out of.I've been writting stories the past few years and some are based on my real life.
Last summer I was involved with my usual acting interest and was in a play like I am almost every year.I played the role of The Sewerman.Anyways I become good friends with an actress in our theater company and after the play she was still chasing me around at a place I was playing out at.She was a trip.Tweenty one years old,her parents are mormons but she's a hell raiser but a real genuine person.I couldn't believe it I'm freaking 46 years old and I had a groupie.
Here's where part one is
I'm gonna go to the beach now feed the seagulls,have some pizza and fried clams get some saltwater taffy and come home and rake my lawn.After that I'll go to all your sites listed and download the new songs and the old song incase I missed one over the years.
I'm gonna send an e-mail update early in the evening to night to all the bands on the project.
On a personal note.I choose starting the aids fund for musicians cause one of my best friends died last year named Mike Wayne who even though he was on SSI for support he still had to work a part time job to make ends meet(He wasn't using the past few years of his life,if he was it was only rarely).
He had to work that side job up untill two months before he died.Mike Wayne was a good guy and a good guitar player but he got strung out in the late 80's. I'll send a link to an old story I wrote and The one song I found with him playing guitar on a lance gargoyle song called Laserblaster is on my Digital Heroes page.
Talk to you soon.

Re: Zappa Project

I tried to convert your mp3 files I had to waves but it doesn't work on old mp3 from've done it with all the other bands and I should be able to do it to yours as soon as they are on your band pages again.In the mean time could you give me the wave file sizes for the two songs we agreed on so I can add up the total wave time?
Here's a notice I'm sending to all bands.
I'm trying to get all the wave files or cds from all the artists by this Saturday.If you have a cd that has the song you are using on it please send it to me.If you have the wave file you want to use you can e-mail that to me with in a zip file.If you're going to be using your mp3 of the song that's fine.The Audio Doctor should be able to bring that up the best quality possible.
I'll like to have the bios and band photo you will be using for the cd this weekend also.Also let me know what cds of yours you are promoting and your label.
If you can keep the bio's to around 50 words that's great but if you need to go to 70 that's fine.
After Friday all the songs that are going to be on the cd will be on the station as they will appear on the cd.Once that's done we can all give suggestions on the cd title and whatever cover we may want to use.
As far as the Film part of the project I'm thinking maybe any live footage you may have.If you don't have any live footage of your band or are playing out in the next three weeks think about something you think you can come up with.You could get yourself saying something about Zappa.Maybe do a skit with your band members or if you are a solo artist anything you want to represent you in this project.I use a digital camcorder.It captures the sound great.
If you don't have anything or any ideas we'll figure something out.
As far as the cost of the cds.I'll donate the black cds and mastering.The mastering of the cd won't cost me anything.The Audio Doctor will take care of that.I'll keep track of any blank cds I buy and any paper goods for the cover and booklet so we know what are costs are on the cds and for tax purposes when we may need them.Once the cd is out I'll start a banking account for any cd sales.Any member of the project can have access to the books or activities of the cd sales at anytime.
As far as promotion we can start with other mp3 artists that are influenced by Zappa and other artists we know.The BB may be of help but I don't think that much.Only between 6 to 9 % of mp3 artist go to the board.Add to that how many are interested in Zappa or our project and the number is pretty slim compare to going to the artists themselves,but it should also be put in place to see what happens.
We will not be trying to generate sales by any promotions.I think we're better off having the cd available on other music sites where we can better promote it.We may decide to put the songs on the cd on another site like that can work for us better.Even by every band promoting it as much as they can we have 12 times the influence that we would have if we were alone and each bands own cd sales may increase from the exposure.These are just a few ideas.I'm sure we all have valuable input for promotions on the web and outside the web.
I believe we're gonna have an excellent product.Every band is original,creative and our sound qualities and musicianships is no less than anyone else out there if not better.We have many styles of music influenced in some way by Zappa.Even if every song doesn't come across to everyone as Zappa like, our years of commitment to our craft will surely be felt.
Please do me a favor.Add up all the years everyone in your band has been playing or creating music.I'ld like to get a total of have many years we have of experience and put that in the mix for promo to.I've got 27 years.
I'll let everyone know my thoughts on the live performance next week.If it happens will be some time in the summer of this years
My Address is
Lenny Hall
26 Arlington Ave.
Dracut,Ma. 01826
Phone 978-441-1789 in case you need it in the future.
I'll be producing a cd of some of my music that I will donating to the AIDS fund also which I will be keeping track of.
If I've left anything out let me know.
Lenny Hall
Digital Heroes

Hey Lenny,

I'll free those two songs up on so you can get at them.
Mike Watson

Hey Mike,

What's the scoop?I found two songs of yours in my file that are perfect but aren't on any of your band pages.Naught Bits and Chew the Fat.Chew the Fat is freakin perfect for the cd.Naughty bits is perfect for a back up song if I need it.
Come on buddy you would make me the happiest guy in the world if you let me use these songs on the cd.If you can put them in one or two band sites it would be great too.
I've gone to your pages after hearing these songs and can't find anything as powerful or gives the cd a better sense of you.
I'm gonna put Morccan Camel Balls on the station in the meantime.

Thanks Mike,

I'm in heaven.I'll ad them to the bands wave files.Don't worry about any audio levels that need to be adjusted.The person who's gonna master the cd is impeccable on getting an excellent sound quality

Hi Mike,

I just changed your song to Chew the Fat and the band to Men without hits on the station.I don't know if you have the wave file or if its easy to get it to me.In the mean time I'll take the mp3 to the Audio Doctor tommorrow and get him working on volume balance and tweak the intro so it sounds cleaner.That intro always cracked me up.Its perfect for this project.
I was going to use two songs of some bands to fill up the cd but I'm thinking we have 12 bands and we might as well have one song each.Hope you're cool with just using Chew the fat instead of naughtly bits.That freaking song is priceless.
I've decided to use a song from my lance Gargoyle page.
I pulled a mike-a-roo.
Last month I changed the name of Lance Gargoyle to Digital Heroes and renamed another band Lance Gargoyle.Last night
I changed Digital Heroes back to Lance Gargoyle.It's my first band site on mp3 and has a better variety of music than OO.
The men without hits band photo is also priceless.I laughed my ass off when I saw it.


Hello Old Buddy.I changed some of the songs.I used hit Happens and put it on the top to open the cd.I love the intro to chew the fat but after hearing it in head phones I could tell that the intro can't be brought up to the standard of the song after it.I'm still thinking if I use two of your songs the second one could be the music after the intro.You know what I was thinking.Some day I could get one of my acting friends or even my acting teacher Andrea to record the intro again after I type out the words and record it better.I wanted to use that part cause it reminded me of some of the Zappa stuff did.It is priceless.I don't know if you wrote it or the woman just did it but I can see why you used it for an intro.
I'm in the same boat as you.I just like playing and recording and doing everything myself.I've got 1000 songs on mp3 and I haven't even made a cd yet.I've been using Korg workstation since 1992 and last year got the korg Karma.I wanted it bad.I was going to sell my guitar.I don't play much any more cause I can do better leads on the karma and my first Korg work station the o1Wfd.It has a program called feedbacker.It's the one I use a lot.I filed bankruptcy almost two years ago and got a good guitar before I went under.Its a Peavey Wolfgang.I had a electra les paul copy.I've had a few good guitars in the past.I use to have a B.C. Rich Mockingbird.I'm not a big fender man.
I was gonna trade that in and sell my computer.My old girl friend Virginia got her boyfriend to loan me the money for the Karma.My car died after that.I had an accident with the next car and had to go to the junk yard get the parts and fix it myself.I had told Virginia's Boyfriend Keith I would pay him back in 6 months and mow their lawn all summer for interest.I paid keith about 400.00 after 5 months but started to pay him regular payments and when I got my taxes back I paid him some from that.Now I'm down to $200.00.I'm cruisin now baby.I'm on cruise control with that one.
I recorded 300 songs in one month.I barely had time to make the songs and make mp3's.I don't listen to the songs untill the whole tape is recorded and they started to pile up.I hooked up with this musician from Calif called T.Storm Hunter and he started naming the songs on the tapes for me.He's named 10 cassettes for me.He's a good musician who hasn't played in years but had tons of home recordings.He would send them back to me and e-mail me the names and I would make the mp3s.I'm all caught up now and have all the music on mp3.I've moved from Lowell to Dracut the next town over and haven't recorded many songs with vocal cause my effect I use for vocals a dod reverb doesn't work and dry vocals don't turn me.
There's no place around to play except a coffee house on open mic nite called the sugar shack.Everyone plays acoustic guitar and most do folk songs but I've found a few good players there from the Lowell U and around the area.I started to have someone video tape me.My Muse or rather ex groupie Anna recorded me the first time.The digial camera I use get great sound.I've had a few other people record me but it hard to even get my jazz musicians friends to show up and my regulars from years ago aren't going to show up if I just play for 10 minutes.I've tryed to get my own night but everyone's at the shack is into that beatnic crap.I'm not into him I'm more a Bukowski type of guy.I haven't gone there in months.If it's still open after schools out and no one show up I'll go back and get to play more.Man, 10 minutes.It takes me 5 to just get warmed up.Most of the time I played I made the songs short.
Give me your address.I'll send you a video the Audio Doctor Dave make from old live clips,one thing from the shack and other fun stuff you;ll laugh you ass off.Dave is doing another one.He's getting good at effects and editing.
I've got a little problem I found out last night(it's almost 6:00 in the morning now.I took a nap when I got home and I've been up all night.I don't take any additives except brain oil but It's been hard to wind down lately)We're got all great bands on the station except for one that slipped through the cracks Starlab.I remembered that from the past and didn't listen to all of their songs.I found out last night that I shouldn't have picked them.They only have one song that is barely passable.I put it as the last song cause if I put it in with the others its going to stop the flow.I've got to find out if they have anything else when they send me some other song waves to choose from.I'll have to e-mail them tommorrow and find a way to tell them that I hope they something that comes close to the other songs.It will work out.Good thing I worked at a build manager for years(I stopped about two years ago)and know how to handle delicate situations.I work at a hospital in Lowell as a purchasing agent.I've been there about 25 years.
I better get ready for work so I can gets some work done and find a place to take a nap for a few hours.I've got a few lawn raking side jobs I want to get started before the weekend if I can.I'm gonna try to do one today and leave work earlier.
If I choose a second song it would be The Results of Your Cults on the Lance Gargoyle page.I think you'll like it.Check out the station if you get a chance.I've made you the openning act.The songs flow pretty good in the order I have them.
Any info you want to use on the cd is fine.
I like your ideas for cd names.
I hope every band give me their years of playing.We may end up with over 300 years of experience.
Your the second reply to come in.
I see you again in front of this screen in my face.

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson here. I just put a CD in the mail for you. I hope you don't mind but I put 8 songs on it in the event that you wanted some choices. I'll email my bio as soon as I come up with one. As for the combined musical experience of all the musicians on my material....That's anybodies guess. Most of the material relevant to this project is the product of various recording projects rather than cohesive bands that lived, performed, composed, decomposed, ate/slept/drank, slept with the same girl, guy, goat, etc...together.
I know my sites have names as if they represented working bands but many of the musicians on those recordings I hardly knew and have since lost touch with so I'm goin this one as a solo artist. I can say that my musical experience amounts to about 23 years.
By the way, here's some ideas for the title of this project:
Don't worry, I won't be too hurt if you thumbsdown these title ideas but that's about all I could come up with.
I'm looking forward to the finished product.
Thanks Lenny.
MIke Watson
P.S. Once you get concluded on exactly which song/s of mine is going on the CD let me know if you are able to afford enough text space to include the names and instruments of the contributing musicians on my material (if your not going to be able to include peripheral info, no problem).

Subject: Re: Mike Watson Bio

Hi Mike,
You are one guy that is on the ball and have always acted like a true professional and a good guy at the same time.
I just remembered what your band photo reminded me of with the mop.There's a movie called the toxic avenger from troma productions.It's a cult classic.On the cover of the vhs tape it has the toxic avenger holding a mop like you are in the photo.If you ever get a chance to see the vhs cover of the toxic avenger you;ll crack up.
I'm getting lots of good feedback about the project.
Well I've got to go and do a little more campaigning.
I can't wait to start recording again.I'm so inspired.
I've got to do a parody of a manager of bands who behaves like those wrestling managers of the past like Lou Albano,The Grand Wizard and Freddie Blassie who will do whatever it takes to get their acts recognition.
I can hear my pitch now.
We're young!We're good looking!We'll play against any bands,any time, any place!We're the the Zappa Tribute Project.

Hey Lenny,
Here's my bio. I tried to keep it brief. I've included the same photo that's on the Men Without Hits site but if you need a larger or higher resolution photo let me know and I'll get one to you.
NAME: Mike Watson
LOCATION: San Diego, California
INSTRUMENTS: Electric & classical standard & FRETLESS GUITARS.
PROJECTS: 1983 to 1991 Daddylongleggs = Funk rock fusion band.
1991 to 1992 Schmaltz = Fusion rock satire band.
1992 to 1996 Fun Size = Fusion rock satire recording project.
2001 to 2002 Well-Hung Action Figures = Blues rock fusion band.
RECORDINGS: Men Without Hits (Greatest Hats) =
Mike Watson (Work In Progress) =
Sketches Of Vain (Sketches Of Vain) =
The Undone Schrillharmonic Corechestra (TUSC) =

Hi Mike,
The video guy can mostly do a something with you footage.I'll send you
the Lance Gargoyle video he made tomorrow and some cds with mp3 files.
I listened to your cd and Mr. Music sounds great for an opening song
for the cd but if he can bring up "hit Happens I think it may be better if the
quality can come up.He's very picky about quality.If he says its
okay.We'll use it.
I like to TEPRKPVSD but the file is so big I'll have to use just that
song so I'ld rather use two songs. 'hit Happens, Naughty BITS,Mr Music and
Chew the Fat without the intro.I'll pick the best two after he checks out
"hit Happens.
I finally chose the songs I'm going to use.
I'm limited on what I can choose because I've had to tape over my old
cassette masters over the years.I've only recorded on two tracks for years
and once I made mp3s I thought I wouldn't need the files any more or the
tapes but when I converted them with Cakewalk I just put them in mono.
Luckily I have all my original tapes from my recent Korg Karma period
that he can use for the cd.I gave him two tapes with a song from each.I had 24
tapes to choose from and finally decided on We just Order Pizza and
another called Smooth Jizz.That's one that Stormy in Calif named.I'm gonna change
the name of the song.It was supposed to be a joke on Smooth Jazz.
I got Ph 101's cd today.That was a relief.I thought they bailed out.
One band got back to me today and got sick last week and said he can't
keep up with the pace and will be interested in the next one.
Another band I think is just along for the ride and has given little
input so I'm gonna tell him he'll have to be on the second one.Its bad
enough I had to drag him on board in the first place.
One band that had good vocals but the music wasn't polished and I was
polite and said the sound quality was not up to par which it wasn't ,and I
never got any any new files from him any ways.That was the band I said got
through the cracks.
Both Hemroid bands are from Europe.A third one couldn't keep up with
the pace was from Europe. I don't feel happy about them not being in the project but if their not gonna help put the boat in the water how much rowing are they gonna do once we get in.
Well You know what old Honest Abe said :The only thing left for he who
waited was what was left over from he who hustled".
I'm tired and getting kinda punchie.


Subject: Zappa Project

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson here. In one of your last emails you mentioned using the song, 'hit Happens. If you can get that song up to your sound quality standards for the project, be my guest. It's a computer MIDI ditty accompanied by some real guitar parts but it was recorded at home on a little digital 8 track. If possible you should wait to use the one on the CD that's coming to you in the mail. That way you can work with the original WAV file which is obviously going to make a significant difference for an unmastered home recording to have no data compressed out by mp3 encoding.
If you do decide to use that song please be sure to get the title correct. It's spelled like this:
'hit Happens
It starts with the apostrophe then the letter "h" in the word "hit" should be lower case and the letter "H" in the word "Happens" should be a capital "H" just like you see it above.
( the apostrophe is taking the place of the letter "S" it's supposed to be funny!)
I mailed that CD to you on Thursday so it may not reach you until next week but that's going to be the best quality sound file for that song.
Thanks Lenny.
Mike Watson

Subject: Video

Hey Lenny, I forgot to tell you I do have live footage of myself in musical performance but its quality is questionable on the audio side. I do have the means to put it in digital form and possibly bring up the sound quality or perhaps your sound guy could do that. I just wanted you to know in the event that the project progresses to that point. Let me know what the chances are of the video end of the project coming to fruition( don't you love that word? "FRUITION"). Talk to you soon.
Mike Watson

Subject: Smooth Jizz

Hey Lenny,
I have a personal dislike to so-called Smooth Jazz so of course I love that title(Smooth Jizz). I can understand if you feel that's too explicit but if that song makes it on the Zappa tribute I'd seriously consider keeping that title. It's hilarious if you know what it's spoofing. Think of it like this:
Smooth jazz is usually corporate backed profit motivated soulless drivel.
On the other hand the kind of music that we indulge in tends to be for our own amusement and is akin to masturbation wherein the end result is of course "Smooth Jizz". Almost perfectly descriptive if you ask me. Please don't mistake this for any kind of pressure, I totally understand if you need to change the title, I just wanted to let you know I got a kick out of it. Anyway, I agree about my song TEPRKPVSD. It's too long and it's not really how I wanted it to originally be in terms of editing, and segue dialogue in between parts never made it on the recording which would have really tied all the parts in that song together more sensibly. But I love the instrumental parts. I'm glad ph 101 is on board, I like alot of their stuff. I'm sorry there aren't more willing participants but this will still be a great effort, I'm sure. And thanks for the Bar Bums app. The funny thing is my girlfriend is a bartender so she can now feel like she's at work when she's playing on the computer and the Bar Bum characters are not far off from how some of her regulars are.
Here's something to think about if things go this way, if you decide to use Mr.Music and Chew The Fat you may notice that the end of Mr.Music has the same little ascending progression that starts Chew The Fat. If you decide to use those two songs and you plan to play each artists 2 songs one after the other(or even if the 2 songs aren't back to back) it would make sense to make sure that Mr.Music comes first before Chew the Fat so that that outro/intro thing comes off coherently. Even if you put other artists songs in between them they should be in that order(it may even be better if you put other songs between them). Of course you are hearing the project in its totality so don't hesitate to shoot this idea down if it doesn't work on your end, you may not even use those songs but if you do I'd like that continuity to be evident. Thanks for everything Lenny.
Mike watson

Subject: Re: Smooth Jizz
Hi Mike,
I'll take your advice on smooth jizz.After all it is not a popular term any more and maybe it will strike the right people.
I called Dave today and my second choice We Just ordered Pizza isn't worth working with so I'm going to go with a song that I did that Dave did some modifing to Called Eddies World of Fat that I'm going to use.It's only 48 seconds but it really has that Zappa feel.I'm using Smooth Jizz because it's a good demonstration of the Korg Karma.
The songs I'm going to use of yours are 'hit Happens as the first song on the cd.I've always felt that that song is a great opener.Not only can Dave bring it to the best quality level but two artists are using mp3s.One lost all his files in a fire and the other band Tub Ring is on the road for six weeks so they are using mp3s.The songs on their site aren't used by their record company and can be used.Dave is gonna do a great job with the mp3s and I think 'hit will work out fine.
The other song I'm going to use is Naughty Bits.It's also a small file.I think that some bands are going to be having only one song so this gives both of us the opportunity to have two songs because of the file sizes.
I just an e-mail from my acting friend Moira with her new e-mail address.
She's in the summer production(The Play)I'm in.She was in a summer production with me a few years ago when Southwick Studio did Richard the Third.I got a role in a play in Lowell a few months ago called the Dining Room and she was also in the cast and was in two scenes with me.She's a sweetheart.She's the only actor I know that lives in Lowell.She's a drama teacher at Lowell High.We went to a few plays together and to a Southwick Studio Showcase and get along great.When she was in Richard I thought she was kinda stuffy but when I got to know her more during The Dining Room I found she was okay. I don't know how old she is maybe in her 30's.She's seems pretty settled in her life situation so it's gonna be nice hanging out with her during the rehearsal and the play this summer and of course all the other actors involved.We always have a great cast and a great time.She'll be a good influence on me.
I hope The Zappa project can have the same flavor and possiblities that the summer production has.
I've got a few new e-mails to get to from Hemroid Central.
At this this point I'm just gonna just make the Dave the bad guy.He's the one that has to put the cd together and he knows what I'm going for.Some bands need to have two songs on the cd.
Ph 101 was the one band I was hoping we get involved.If they aren't the one band that really has that Overnite Sensation feel I don't know who is.I've been watching them for years.They played out a few years ago but I didn't go see them cause I thought I'ld get another chance.They never played out again.I guess they lost a member but are training a replacement.When I think that this band can't even get a gig in their own region it breaks my heart.If times were different and it was back when Zappa was touring and this band backed him up for a tour PH101 wouldn't be scratching for a gig any where.
I think us solo musicans have the same relevance and significance.We're hung in there and did our own thing and made do with what we could do,most of the time alone,because we wanted to create the music we loved with whatever instruments and recording equipment we had.
I got many good reasons why I play and record so much but the main one is I've got to get it out of my system.
I've been going a little dingy because I can't do vocals.I tried last week with a clean sound and I was not inspired.
Dave told me the best effect to get for a cheap reverb sound.I'm gonna go shopping for one this weekend.Years ago I use to use a guitar effect called a memory man.It worked out good.Even my guitar sound I have a hard time finding new things or playing with a clean sound.My first good set up years ago was a Big Muff as a guitar effect.Now I use a Boss Metal Zone mt-2.I think it's the crunchie sound and the sustain that makes it so appealing.
I'm also a Al De Meola admirer.I saw the return of Return To Forever back in the 80's with Stanley Clarke,Chick Corea,and Lenny White.I love all those guys.Stanley Charke and George Duke put out some great cds together.I love everything Lenny White does even his disco stuff I've heard years ago.In the 80's I use to record on a reel to reel and played guitar scales and sped it up when I played to give it that Al De Meola effect.
I've been a King Crimson fan since the early 70's.The line up that's been in that band is as incredible as Zappa.
Maybe that should be the next cd project.That should be fun.
I've got company coming and I've still got the Hemroid Patrol to take care of.
The bar your girl friend works at sounds like Charles Bukowski use to hang there.
Here's another attachment.

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson here. I received your video and discs this week( I actually got 'em last week but we played a 3 day festival in Tecate for Cinco De Mayo so I didn't have a chance to watch until now). I thought the video was great. I watched the whole thing in one shot. I love the unpolished local phenomenon motif. Lenny you're a true musical improvisationalist, I sometimes wish I had the nerve to improvise without convention as a crutch but I think it's like anything else; "not everyone can make that approach approachable" but you seem to pull it off wonderfully. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the CDs but I'll get on that next(it's a lot o' music, it may take a while). Anyway, how's the Zappa project going? I hope it's still happening.
Thanks for all the entertaining material, I'm sure I'll get much inspiration from all this UNCOMMON CONTENT which is what I consider to be the most interesting in most cases.
Thanks again.
Mike Watson

Hi Mike,
I'm glad you liked video.My friend Dave has been promoting Lance Gargoyle for years.I've gotten to thje point that I'm gonna start doing a documentary of him.We both have our camcorders with us a lot.He's doing some really interesting stuff lately.
He said he could mostly like get the audio better on the footage you have if its a dv cassette type.
The Zappa project is going well.Dave should have the master done by tomorrow for me to listen too.He suggested shorting my song You wasted a baby and it didn't sound right shortened so I gave him two more songs to choose from.He's gonna use Whacked out on Whacker Drive instead.The content is much better than You wasted a baby and the quality is up there with the rest of the bands.
I've been waiting for a few songs to get posted and get them on the station before I contact everyone again.Smooth Jizz got posted.I'm just waiting for a song that Dave did a few years ago with a vocal sample he used from a thing I did called Eddie's world of Fat.It's only 39 seconds but it fits perfectly in the mix of songs.
I love improv.That's all I do really.I get the basic idea recorded and improve on it when if I do it again.
I've been studing Acting Improv for years and for a lot of people that can be scary as hell but I've been studing a method called Action Theater and it is really user friendly.
I found out that someone who did action theater with me three years ago is in the Southwick Summer production this year.I only met him once at a place called EarthDance and we were going to try to get a group going to practice action theater after the week long work shop but it never got on its feet.He was moving.But now we should really be able to get something together during the summer.
When we took Action Theater there were only three men and maybe 12 women.There are always more women.We bonded really well and had a lot of laughs.Its gonna be great seeing him again.
I'm waiting to get a reverb effect for my vocals.Dave told me what the cheapest and best one are so I've been calling local music stores to see what used reverbs they have.I'm dying to start recording again with vocals.I'm so inspired by all the bands on the zappa project that I know everyone will be a big influence on my next recording phase.
I'm gonna try a different approach with the karma and start recording the basic track in the seq and then play or sing along with it and save it for play with again later.It displays the chords that are being played and shows them on the play back to.If we ever do something together someday I could have the music and the chord for you to hear and see.
How the songs are on the station is how they are going to be on the cd.It's perfect for your instrumentals to start and end the cd.I've got your other songs so when we do the next cd you can use some of those or anything new you are doing.
I'll fill every one in on the video part of the Zappa Project and my thoughts on the live performance in a day or two.
I finally got my home page updated.It has a few more changes to be done but it should be back up to snuff by the weekend.
I'll tell you I have no self doubts about any part of this project going some place,even if it's not the path we thought it would take,its gonna have an impact somewhere.
I don't think none of us will have any doubts about our abilities or capabilities or the possibilities from,if there were any,as everything starts moving forward.
I think that may have been a factor in why so many artists blew off this project,because they may have had some reservations about why bother.
If I had one reason that I'm doing it its to do something interesting with other musicians who know or have been influenced by Zappa.
It's almost time for Judge Judy.
I'll be back at you with the next update.

Hi Mike,
I've started to make the cds.I'll send you one to check out.I'll start getting the inside booklet ready soon.
Here's a great site I found from ManicD.
I'm gonna see if we can use one of his drawings or paintings for the Cd cover.
I've Attached the song list.

The Children Of Invention
1. Men Without Hits-‘Hit Happens
2. PH 101-Area 51
3. ONOFFON-Ocean’s Cry
4. ManicD-Wake
5. Liquid Kulak-Eddie’s World Of Fat
6. Trippo Marx-Canned Monster
7. Tub Ring-Bite The Wax Tadpole
8. Brain Surgeons-Hot Dog Man
9. Pol Symtas and The Invisible Band-
I’ll Pick You A Flower
10. Offal Pump-Lost Puppy Syndrome
11. The Other Orchestra-Whacked Out On Whacker Drive
12. Tub Ring-Good Family,Happy Family
13. Offal Pump-Telephone Jelly
14. PH 101-Ebola Woman
15. The Other Orchestra-Smooth Jizz
16. Men Without Hits-Naughty Bits
17. Brain Surgeons-Swamp Thing

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson here. Thanks for sending the song list. Is the CD going to have any contact info for the various artists? or web addresses for sites?
I'm glad things are coming along and I'm honored that you put my song at the head of the line up. In my lil world here I get absolutely NO support or encouragement towards the musical droppings that fall on the Zappa side of the spectrum and yet it's probably the most compelling music to me of all I attempt. It's wonderful that you have worked to provide a plateau for such musical efforts that would otherwise vanish into obscurity and for a good cause. Thanks for making me a part of it.

Hi Mike,
I hope to start the inside booklet this week.I will be putting all the info you mention and maybe more.I'll be e-mailing everyone to see what it looks like to get everyones okay.
You'll get a kick out of the cd with mp3s on it that I sent you along with the zappa cd.It's phone messages from Anna last year.I thought it may inspire a song.And one mp3 from the play I was in last year where I played the Sewerman.
'Hit Happen was the perfect song to open the cd.It's great to have a mix of five bands and five solo artists.
I'm burning the cds and should have 100 done with the label by the weekend.I may go in and adjust the volume on a few songs at some point but the balance sounds pretty good.
Thanks for the idea MUSIC ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE.It give me the idea of calling the cd The Children of Invention.
I had a side job painting a room for someone from work a few saturdays ago.While I was painting in one room the owners were playing a religious cd that had three or four songs on it for(I SHIT YOU NOT)three hours.I must have heard the songs over 80 times at least.
The Torture never stopped.I'll rather have Weasels Rip my Flesh or have ten Burnt Weeny Sandwiches than have to hear that stuff for three hours.

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson again. I'm sorry you had to endure 3 hours of Christian music. I think if Jesus were alive today and saw what his movement became he'd beg for a "Second Crucifixion". I know you didn't specify that you were subjected to Christian music, I just assumed because of all the music created for religious purposes, Contemporary Christian music is usually the most dreadfully Schmaltzy, musically uninteresting drivel ( barring some black gospel music of which I don't necissarily identify with but that is still somewhat musically gratifying at least) in my opinion. Isn't it funny how people that are so preoccupied with having a "Soul" continuosly fail to put any of it into their music.
I'm looking forward to the Zappa CD. Please make sure to let me know how to properly order one when it's ready so I can put my two cents towards the cause and promote it here in San Diego. The Children Of Invention is a great name for the project. I love the whole "Mother / Child" thing, of course the overwhelming implication being that Frank Zappa is the "Father". Wow this is starting to resemble a Holy Trinity of a sort. JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH !
I hope you're not devoutly religious but if you are and my statements are offensive you should know that I find much of the Great religious teachings to be agreeable and it's the bastardization, exploitation, and dangerous interpretation of such teachings that send me to "Critical Mass". Anyway I'm looking forward to the disks you said you sent me, I like hearing the various components that make up a persons musical world(such as dialogue, skits, candid moments, etc..) much like your video, I loved your fragment of life presented in your particular musical way, completely unique. I wish I had something like that to send to you but as of yet I don't. Thanks Lenny.
ALSO- I put up a few more ditties:
Testicular Tinker Toys
Chrome Dome
Rodentia's late night piano dance
all at:

Hi Mike,
I checked out those new tunes.There great!One thing I like about your music is your short peices say so much and sound really polished.I'ld like to use some of them in the future when I start doing my own video and film projects.
When you first heard my music years ago and I heard yours I always thought you were one of the coolest people on mp3 who had a great attitude.I'll tell you I learnt a lot about cool from your music and bands sites.
I started writting something to put on the mp3 bb today but never finished it.Here's what I started to say.
I came to mp3 about three years ago and started to create band sites.That was back in August 1999.I never expected nothing except have a place to present my music since I create so much of it and had so much recorded.
I never expected to hear and get to know so many other musicians that were just trying to get their music heard too.The music I heard and the musicians who commented on what I was doing in music inspired me more that I could have ever hoped or imagined.I had the best quality control I could ever ask for and my music was being heard by people who really wanted to hear it.
Then things started to change.Artists started to get paid.I had about 150 songs and 6 bands on mp3 at that time and made about $600.00 before the artists had to pay.(Half of my Earnings I donated to a good cause).By the time artists had to pay I had 12 bands(STILL AS A SOLO ARTIST)and over 500 songs.I never promoted my sites I just let things take a natural course and networked with whoever e-mailed me with genuine interest.These artists and some I heard have been a great inspiration and most have become of greater support than some of my many musicians I know where I live.
I even got my mother on mp3 and it has changed her life.
After building 15 band sites with over 1000 songs I decided it was time for a little pay back myself for all that mp3 has done for me.
I thought about it for years to create a cd of artists from mp3 including myself to show the world that there is great untapped talent on mp3.
Recently I finally believed that my music had reached a point equal to the bands I had enjoyed and created a station with artists I had enjoyed over the years.
I put a post on the this bb and got two great bands ManicD and ONOFFON to commit to the cd who have supported THE ZAPPA TRIBUTE PROJECT,now THE CHILDREN OF INVENTION-MUSIC ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE since its start.
Its an honor to be on a cd of these two bands and get to know them.
That's what I've got so far.
It's been a busy week.I've mowed a bunch of lawns and friday I took the day off from work to do a side job of gutting a bathroom for a job a person at work was doing.
By the way I work at a hospital as a purchasing agent/reciever/mail clerk/stock clerk.I've worked there over 24 years.Most of the time its a place where I'm killing time between weekends.
I've been making cds all week.I've got almost 100 made.I still need some band photos from some bands and some bios but I'm getting all the files together to see what I've got.
Here's a site with some paintings I'm thinking of using.
maybe this for the cover and this version
for inside.
Or maybe one of these
I'm gonna start contacting everyone soon with an update.
So far the cost of the cd is:blank cds $25.00 per 100,labels $50.00 per 100 + cds cases $50.00 per 100.
All that is left is the paper for the cover and booklet.Once I get the lay out ready and together I'll start looking for paper.
Putting all the info together is taking longer than I thought.
I start rehearsal on a play I'm in in a few weeks.I do it ever summer.We've got a great cast this year.There's a russian woman who's new to the company.I've got a feeling she's gonna be my muse this summer.She's about four grades up from Anna who I got to know last year as far as having her act together.She speaks five languages and seems like a very genuine person.It's going to be fun being around the whole cast and the director Andrea Southwick.
That painting job was a trip.I've got an instrumental song called the results of your cults that fits that situation perfectly.
I don't know why I mentioned it.I guess cause I may have thought of doing a song about it.
I think the music people listen to is an important componet to their outlook on life.I enjoy all types of music except the kind that sounds angry.I wo'nt say any more I'm sure I'll be recording something on that subject some time soon.
I've been developing three charactors for years now that I have on my recordings,Lance Gargoyle,Sidney Hipple,Tony D'Wonderful and Captain Weirdo.It's going to be fun getting these charactors on film some day.In the meantime I'm going to start recording the continuing adventures of my life through them again soon.I started recording a bit this weekend but I haven't done improv vocals in months and I'm still trying to get in the groove.Every new creative phase I do develops a new creation process that is different from the last one or what I've done in the past.
Well maybe I'll do some recording tonight and see what happens.After all you never know when a 'Hit will Happen.
One thing I remember Frank saying on a radio program in the 70's was "Once you adapt to your enviroment,You'll be better in phase with your Reality".
I always took it a step further and made a point of being in environments I felt would bring me closer to the reality I needed and with people who were genuine and I could learn from and devolop my creativity and my soul.
If Cheapness Records ever has a credo it will be "Utilization Not Exploitation"
By the way I agree totally on your viewpoint on my painting job and the music that I heard.Some once said "Serious things cannot be understood without humorist things".That may be one reason why so many religious movements never develop beyond being nothing more than a mutual admiration society.

Hey Lenny,
Mike Watson here. I got your cds. The Children Of Invention is good. The song order is good. I really liked your songs. also PH 101. sorry I took so long to email back but I injured my back pretty seriously and have been unable to sit at the computer. It's still pretty bad but it's getting a little better. I'll email you again when I'm feeling better.

Hi Mike,

orry to hear about your back.I hope you're feeling better.
I've been working straight out for the last week BUT,I started to do some new songs using the seq on the karma.You'll laugh your ass off when you hear some of the new stuff.I've started to do vocal songs using a little bit of the styles of some of the bands on the Zappa cd.
Rick from PH101 suggested using a drawing or painting by Ralph Steadman.He did some Zappa lps and some bbok covers for Hunter S.Thompson.I e-mail his agent and waiting for a reply.I went to his site and its perfect.If I have to I'll call his agent this week to see what's up.
Kevin from Tub Ring knows a band that used on of his paintings for a cd and he was cool about it.
I've got all the photos and will try to get all the band info together and start seeing what I have.
The cds aren't costing that much so I'll always have 100 on hand for sale when its done.Every band will get at least five cd for promos and I'll have another 50 ready for any promos anyone thinks of that can move the project forward.
What do you think is a good price?I'm thinking $10.00 or $12.00.I'll find a site that sells them but lets me ship them myself.That way I can put a personal note and maybe start a mailing list.
I'll get back to you when I have more info.
I hope your back gets better.If it doesn't we can make a cd and have the funds go to Musicians With Back Problems.You can be on the cover.Seriously I hope you're doing better.
I found out what roles I have in the play this summer and am trying to get a handle on the text before the first rehearsal next week.
I'll be singing a doing a goof on the roles I'm doing in my current recording history.
I'm playing Lomov in a play called the Marriage Proposal,a play by Chekov and Caliban in a scene from The Tempest.That role sounds really juicy.I don't really dig Shakespeare but this role sounds right up my alley.I think the role is kinda like a monster in a way.I can't wait to discover what's going on with the play and the scene and trying translating that Shakespeare lingo into what its means.
When I tell my musician friends about the Zappa project and mention you and say your my musical counterpart in Calif.
I've always thought how you name your recordings is brilliant and perfectly discribe what the music is saying.I hope you do more recording in the future.
The Present Day Home Recording Artist Shall not Die.

ke Watson here. The new cover looks great. I like Ralph's idea to wrap it around front to back but does that mean front and back of the cd case or just the cd insert?

Hi Mike,

Let me show you the two e-mails I got from Anna Bliss.
Ralph has returned from his travels and says that he'd like to help you out. In fact, he already has a picture in mind that he did back in 1969 that has aged very well! For a reprint we generally ask for $1,500 -- which is considerably less than than what we'd ask for an original -- but we're open to discussion. Please let me know your thoughts.
It was a pleasure meeting you on the phone just now. I'm forwarding to you,
from Ralph, a portrait of Zappa from 1969. It was once used as an album
cover of his, and also appeared in the book, BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN by Tony
Palmer. We hope that you like it!

This is what I sent her.
I got this message from one of the artists on the cd.What are your
thoughts.Should another painting be choosen that's not already on a Zappa

Hey Lenny, Mike Watson here. I got the Ralph Steadman illustration you
emailed. I don't know if you're aware of this but that very same image has
already been used on a RYKO Zappa compilation called " Have I Offended
Someone?". It's a great illustration but I think it might be confusing not
to mention RYKO's possible proprietary issues. I can see why you want to use
that image, it's quite Zappropriate.
Let me know what you decide to do.

That's the message.What the scoop about what painting or drawing can be
used of Mr Steadmans?
Let me know if there are any other options?
Maybe he could suggest another painting or two?
Lenny Hall
maybe it would be best to have another painting for the cover.
I thought after I inquired about using one of his paintings I would be able to maybe choose the one that I thought would fit.
As you can see from the e-mail that's the one he chose.
I think if were paying we should at least get one that's not been used already at least not for Zappa.
I'll attach something that someone was working on with the band photos.
I have a friend that does art and he would be perfect but He's out range at the moment.I've been leaving him messages all last week.
You've got some good artwork yourself.Is there anything you would have that might be a good choice?Just asking.
I let you know what I hear back about the cover,but I think you're right.

Hey Lenny,
ike Watson here. I got the Ralph Steadman illustration you emailed. I don't know if you're aware of this but that very same image has already been used on a RYKO Zappa compilation called " Have I Offended Someone?". It's a great illustration but I think it might be confusing not to mention RYKO's possible proprietary issues. I can see why you want to use that image, it's quite Zappropriate.
Let me know what you decide to do.
Bye Lenny.

Hi Brothers and Sisters of Invention,
Good news.I contacted Ralph Steadman’s agent,Anna Bliss a few weeks ago inquiring about using one of his Art pieces for The Children Of Invention Cd cover.I came home and found a reply saying that Ralph is interested and has a piece in mind for the cover.The asking price to use any of his artwork is $1200.00.
I called Anna Bliss and told her I had gotten her e-mail and told her that we couldn’t afford $1200.00 .She asked how much I could afford and I said $200.00.That was kinda low and she was going to go to Ralph with the offer but when I told her we were just making a first run of 200 cds she said that $200.00 was okay.I told her that the first run would most likely be 300 (200 for sale)(100 promotion) and she was fine with that.I told her after we sell 200 cds we’ll have enough funds to have 1000 cds made and pay something more to Ralph for the artwork.
I told her I would send out a cd for Ralph to her tomorrow.I’ll put in the bands photos and some bios too.
I’ll send it out to everyone with this e-mail.I just got it a moment ago.
Someone from mp3 started doing a cover,just in case,using the band photos.I think we’ll still use that for the inside and I’ll attach it here too.
I’ve got over 200 cds made now and labels for most of them.I should have 300 by the end of this weekend and labels for most of them.I’ve gone in and gave more content to the label.
I’ve got over 100 cd cases and will get the rest next week.The main thing I’ve been doing is making the cds so that’s done.
I’ve had the Audio Doctor clean up a few things on the cd master.Hot dog man ended to abruptly and Eddie’s world had a sound dip at the beginning.
I started Rehearsal for the Summer Production I’m in.
My two roles are Caliban in the Shakespeare play the Tempest(act2 scene 2)and Lomov from the Chekhov play The Marriage Proposal.
I’m planning on a release date of July 4th for the cd.
I should have 100 cds ready for promotion..If you have any one in mind and want me to mail them out for you I can do that too.The postage is not a problem for me.
I think when we sell it on line we should have me mail the orders instead of send the cds from where it’s sold.That way we have better control and can start a mailing list.
Right now even with the cost of Ralph’s fee the cds are going to cost less than $2.00 a piece.If we sell it for $10.00 we may sell more.If we sell it for $12.00 we may still sell as many. $3.50 for shipping would be added.
Well I just wanted to give everone some good news.If you don’t hear from me in a while never worry I’m always on the job trying to move the project forward.
Think about us getting a gig for Halloween some where.If we can’t all get together at one location maybe we can get several gigs on the same night but different locations.
Just for general reference here’s where everyone lives

Men Without Hits- San Deigo,Ca. USA
Onoffon -Studio City.Ca. USA
Manic D-Katy,Tx. USA
Trippo Marx-Austin,Tx. USA
Ph 101-East Brunswick,N.J. USA
Brain Surgeons-New York,N.Y. USA
The Other Orchestra-Dracut,Ma. USA
Liquid Kulak-Lowell,Ma. USA
Tub Ring-Chicago,Il.USA
Offal Pump- Melbourne,Victoria-Australia
Pol Symtas-Sydney,NSW-Australia


Hi Mike
just thought I'ld send you the new cover and what Ralph's agents response.
Ralph thought of another idea, a poster he did for a small Irish arts
festival. So it's virtually unpublished. For the Zappa CD, his idea is to
enlarge this to
landscape and wrap it around, front and back, with the music sideways for
legibility. What do you think? I think it's absolutely gorgeous and very
much in the spirit of Zappa!

Looking forward to your response.


As always thank you for your input.It is invaluable.

Hey Lenny,

Here's a little image manipulated awhile back. This is strictly for your amusement, it's low-res and using it for the project would probably get us killed but I thought you might get a kick out of it anyway.
This is a picture of The Shroud Of Turin which many-a-folk believe was Jesus Christ's death shroud and also believe his image was captured on said shroud. I always thought the face on the shroud resembled Frank Zappa (we see what we want to see don't we?) so I just couldn't resist. In combining these images "I've managed to piss on the image of a religious artifact that many hold sacred"(someone elses words, not my own) so I called it "The Shroud Of Urine".
Be careful who you show this to.

Hey Lenny, Mike Watson here. I got the Ralph Steadman illustration you emailed. I don't know if you're aware of this but that very same image has already been used on a RYKO Zappa compilation called " Have I Offended Someone?". It's a great illustration but I think it might be confusing not to mention RYKO's possible proprietary issues. I can see why you want to use that image, it's quite Zappropriate.
Let me know what you decide to do.
Bye Lenny.

MikeWatson here. The new cover looks great. I like Ralph's idea to wrap it around front to back but does that mean front and back of the cd case or just the cd insert?

Hey Mike,
It does look like Zappa! Did you put the Zappa Mu manchu and his face in the back of it?If you didn't it still looks like Zappa to me.
I uploaded a few songs this week.They should show up by next week.
I did a few recording improvs and came up with a few funny ideas.I've started a story rap thing about The children of Invention being super heroes who help Capt Weirdo and Dr pervert foil the plans of Sgt.Smegma.D.P. was a bad guy when he was in the 13th zone.Now that he's in the earth plane he's a good guy.Anyways Sgt.Smegma trys to lure and kidnap famous musicians from the 70's and 80's and bring them through the void and into the 13th zone.The Children of invention are super heroes who help C.W. and D.P. rescue who ever get captured.Richie Blackmore gets captured.Ozzy gets lured to the 13th zone and kinda likes it.Chick Corea gets stranded there too.
I've come up with your super hero name.The Octave Avenger.That photo of you with the mop always reminds me of a movie called The Toxic Avenger.If your ever in a video store look at the cover of Toxic Avenger.You'll see what I mean.They are cheap movies made by Troma films.I think there are three of them.
Anyways I've got songs I'm uploading as fast as I can that include the other super heroes.
I've got someone working on an cd cover using all the bands photos.Even if we go with that for the first run of 300 or 400 cds cover we can change it when we press 1000.
I'm still trying to find the easiest way to make the cover and inside imfo.I'll have something done by next week.
It's kind of a trip learning that Shakespeare lingo for the role I'm doing of Caliban.I'm glad the second role is in plain language.I'm gonna try to get the lines down early.The second role I'm doing,the play is being edited so I can't learn those lines yet.It should be edited by next week.
I have to drive over an hour to rehearsal two or three days a week.It's a great cast this year.I get so inspired being around creative people.I'll be recording a lot this summer.
I've been getting some great film shots.I try to have my digital camcorder with me as much as possible and caught a fire while I was driving home last week.A month ago I got a pair of swans stopping traffic at the beach.I parked my car and caught the whole thing.
I hope you back is okay.Have you ever thought that maybe you should move down to a number 7 mop head instead of a number 9.Having that two tier difference could make a world of change on your back.
Your Contemporary on the East Coast

Hi Mike,
I've got the Dave The audio doctor working on helping me put everything printed together.
We talked about the cover.It will go from the front to the back to the case like Ralph suggested, not part of the insert but it will have to be cut to be put in the back.
I'm hoping to have the band photos on one four panel page(it will be folded twice to fit the insert sleeve)and have the band info and other credits on the back the sheet that has the band photos.
I've got to get to rehearsal for the play.
I'll forward the e-mail Dave sent me so you can see what he did with the band photos.

Hi Mike,
Just a quick note to let you know how things are going.I've got the layout done for the cover and band photos and just have to complete the credits.This is what I've got so far.I may be able to start printing next week.Once that is done the cd will be available and I'll send you five copies.
The Children Of Invention

Men Without Hits is Mike Watson from San Diego,Ca.U.S.A.-Instruments:Electric & classical standard & FRETLESS GUITARS.Projects:1983 to 1991 Daddylongleggs(Funk rock fusion band) 1991 to 1992 Schmaltz (Fusion rock satire band)1992 to 1996 Fun Size (Fusion rock recording project) 2001 to 2002 Well-Hung Action Figures(Blues rock fusion band.Recordings:Men WithouHits(Greatest Hats) Mike Watson(Work In Progress) watson Sketches Of Vain (Sketches Of Vain)

PH 101 has Eclectic writing,strange sounds and strange words,sitting high atop fierce grooves,laced with intricate waves of vocal virtuosity...not bad for a bunch of working folks from New Jersey...Brian LaRocque(Bass)Aaron Leone(Guitars) Rick Lewis(Keyboards & Vocals)Jason Beard and/or Dave Moore(Drums)Kelli McCloud(Lead Vocals)Laya Fisher,Jessie Cooke,and Marian Mastrorilli(Background Vocals)Peter Beckett(Stunt Guitar)Michael Amadeo(Screams and Spiritual Adviser)and a cast of Distinguished Extras as needed.

ONOFFON,comprised of Don Lake(guitars,vocals),Von Babasin(bass,bg vocals) and Dave Goode(drums),is totally diverse alternative jazz rock from Los Angeles,Calif.U.S.A.Together since 1996,they've released two self produced Cds,"Surrender Now" in 1997,and "Your Mind" in 1999.They are now promoted from well over 1,500 websites around the world,and counting,that review,mp3,stream audio and/or video,distribute,or broadcast their
ManicD is Pulsating anti-boundary music that explores new possibilities combining guitar rock with electronic.With a heavy background in Rock,Manicd became interested in electronic music from listening to Electronic artists on that combining the two would result in no limitations of the imagination.What began as experimentation became a passion. Les Lewellyn-Bass,Keyboards,Samples.Loops and Vocals. Manic D has produced two fundraising cds with other artists from to help fund his wife Dixie's liver transplant,Sometimes Nowhere andTransplant Compilation.
His newest cd is Manic D-This is Houston Goathead.

Liquid Kulak (David Vaillancourt) teams with Lance Gargoyle(Lance Gargoyle) on this examination of the sublimated desire for modified dogs.

Trippo Marx has been making his unusual recordings since August 1989.He performs live very rarely.The music is part alternative,part electronic,part ambient,part experimental art music,with the central idea of producing information-rich sonic environments for both active and passive listening pleasure,in the rich tradition of artists like Frank Zappa, Brian Eno,King Crimson and the Residents
Tub Ring riddles the ears with a refreshingly erratic style by bringing together the smirk and sensibilities of punk,the intellectualism of experimental rock,an intinsic pop awareness and philosphically challenging sci-fi poetry.Tub Ring's new album.drake Equation,was produced by Trey Spruance.Tub Ring is Kevin Gibson-Vocals,Rob Kleiner- Keyboards.Jason Fields-Bass,Shawn Sprinkel-Guitars, and Dave Tavares-Drums

The Brain Surgeons were formed in 1993 by former Blue Oyster Cult founder,Albert Bouchard and rock critic Deborah Frost.In 1994 with the album "Eponymous" the Surgeons quickly evolved into a formidable live act.Ably aided in their quest for musical fulfillment Bouchard and Frost found their soul-mate in David Hirschberg.
Albert Bouchard, drums, guitar, mandolin, vocals Deborah Frost, guitar, bass, drums, vocalsDavid Hirschberg, bass, guitar, vocals.

Pol Symtas and the Invisible Band are dedicated to keeping alive the memory of non-existant film music.Music Style:Film musik,Classical,Jazz,Punk, islamic,Egyptian,Rock.
Pol Symtas and the Invisible band can not be identifed as they are currently participating in the Witness Relocation Program.
Offal Pump was formed at La Trobe University,Melbourne,Australia In addition to the pleasure and enjoyment of recording and playing live,the Pumpsters also received the added benefit of being assessed for Offal Pump as a third year subject.Offal Pump is:Rosa Licuria-Tenor Sax,Bob Wijnschenk-Guitar,
Matthew Rowbottom-Drums,Alice Robinson-Tuba,Flute,Paddy Borgeest-Bass,Leonard Kopilas-Piano,Matty Whittle-Conductor.All tracks by Matty Whittle.Web site:

The Other Orchestra is a world of sound,informed by jazz in it's improvisational nature,but not without elements of rock,new age and modern classical.The master mind behind this rich creative sonic entity is Lance Gargoyle. who, creates The Other Orchestra himself - essentially live and without overdubs - on electronic keyboards All compositions recorded with the help of Korg's Karma and 01Wfd Keyboard Music Work thanks to T. Storm Hunter-Sideways Hipster Consultant

Cover Art by Ralph Steadman
Special Thanks to Anna Bliss
c/o Sobel Weber
Also T.Storm Hunter-Sideways Hipster Consultant.
David Vaillancourt-Booklet and band photo layout and cd tweeking.
Produced by Lenny Hall for Cheapness Records
26 Arlington Ave.

> Hi Mike,
> What's been up lately.I've been checking the IN CASE OF FIRE site every
now and then.I saw the bios that were up.Yours looked very good.The project
looks like it could have an interesting influence on your musical
creativity.There's a few songs on the INCASEOFIRE mp3 site that I'll
download and hear when I get home.
> Mp3 ain't the same as it use to be.I'm glad I got to hear your music and
download all your songs over the years.You've been a major influence on my
music as much if not more than any of the well known musicians I've enjoyed
over the years.I hope I still get a chance to hear more of your music
someday and whatever you do creatively.

> I've been doing some painting lately.Kinda in a Don Van Vliet style.I'm
putting some footage I've captured over the years on VHS tapes in
preparation of projects that I'll add narratives or music on top of.
> My new thing is multi-media cds with paintings,music,stories and other
goodies.I'll send you a sample to check out.
> I had big computer problems,lost my data base of e-mails and I'm
contacting everyone that I think might be still interested in staying in
> Hope everything is going okay out there in San Deigo.It's been a snowy
winter up here.It's nice to finally have some warm weather for a change.
> Thanks for the link on one of your mp3 bands sites.I'm doing a little
overhaul of some of my sites and will add some of your bands as links and
include you and In Case Of Fire on any stations I create.
> The world needs more Mike Watson music.At least I know I do.
> Man, I hope you still plan on sending me some footage of you playing
ou.It would really be a treat.
> Hang in there old buddy.The best is yet to come.
> Lenny

Hey Lenny,
Sorry I haven't responded to your last email with the little
interview questions. I put that aside to answer but have been so busy with
work, ICOF and some legal battles with car insurance companies which is a
long story that I'm ready to have come to an end.
The In Case Of Fire thing is going slow but good. We're trying out drummers
right now. We were trying out guitarists and it was getting rediculous,
every guitarist who responded was either looking for an immediately
established paying gig or an opportunity to play their best
retro-soul-jazz-blues licks which is pretty popular around here lately.
Needless to say, no appropriate players were surfacing but we finally got in
touch with a young guy who's perfect. His playing abilities and musical
interests are "Spot On" and his musical equipment is going to make him the
perfect multi-tasker which is what we're going to need to reproduce the
recorded material without having a massive band. Right now we're looking at
a minimum of 7 members to pull this stuff off live.
During all this new band assembly we're also recording new material all the
time so I recently bought a new computer. It's a Mac which is kind of new to
me since I've been primarily a PC owner so I've got some learning to do but
all the people I'm working with musically right now have Macs so it just
makes more sense. I got it used for a great price so I had to take advantage
while the offer still stood(one of the guys I'm recording with upgraded so
he sold me his G4 Mac, partially so we can record and exchange files at a
distance....He lives 3 hours away so we don't get together as much as we'd
The multi-media CD thing sounds like a great idea, I'd love to see some of
that. All the video footage stuff I was all prepared to digitize was put on
hold because I'm going to be able to do it with the new Mac now but I have
to learn my way around the system a little bit first so It's in the works.
I'll send you copies of the In Case Of Fire demos so don't bother
downloading the mp3s. I know I have your address but It's not going to be
easy to find amidst my ever-mounting mess so email it to me and I'll mail
you those disks.
I don't know if you even remember the last email you sent to me with what
appeared to be a brief interview but I didn't disregard it. I actually tried
to answer some of the questions and got so long-winded that it started to
become rediculous so I had intended to edit it down to more reasonably
succinct statements and then got very busy. So I don't know if it's even
relevant to you at this point but I will still send you my reply to that
email if you want.
Don't forget to send your mailing address. It's good to hear from you Lenny.
Keep in touch.

Mike Watson


All material Copyright Laughing Dervish 1999-2005 ©