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Sidney Has Soul
Or: "The Story of the Flugnoids"

Now this story I wrote in 1975, this was my first story

Our story begins a long long time ago on a planet, or rather, a plane of existence, called "Oomph"- it was kind of like an astral plane of existence.

The actual name is incomprehensible to most people in our language. But most people would understand the name as "Oomph." The beings on Oomph didn't have any physical bodies, or any physical structure - they were just souls that hadn't yet evolved into permanent bodies. They never had wars, or poverty, or threw up in the streets (of San Francisco).

The beings on Oomph were called Flugnoids. A Flugnoid is a being, or an object, that is totally content with what it has. All the Flugnoids except one, called Mal-Funktion. Mal was asking a lot of weird questions, questions like: What's love?

No one on Oomph knew about love, what love was. At this moment in their evolution, they hadn't evolved to express emotions or feelings.

Mal was bringing the other Flugnoids down with his constant interest in hankering about this mystical state called love. The Flugnoids were on a natural high.

The Elders of Oomph got together and decided the best strategy was to send Mal to the planet Earth, and inhabit the body of a human being. They knew that Mal and all the Flugnoids were extremely sensitive at this time in their conscious evolution to any type of emotion or feelings. It would be like a human being's nerve endings exposed to the air. Believe it or not, even you humans - at least some of them - would be able to adjust to that situation.

So a being like Mal would naturally have a difficult time adjusting to a human existence. Mal would not be a host, or a parasite - primarily an observer. Being an astral body himself, he would get the astral body of a human being out and into a temporary safe place, and he would dislocate it, and temporarily replace it.

The only problem was, that Mal-Funktion's or any Flugnoid's energy field would be too powerful for one human being. Mal-Funktion would have to embody the bodies of two human beings - one male, one female. Mal would not be able to get back to his own astral plane until the two humans - that the Cosmic Plan had chosen - met and exchanged energies - which in human terms, means having sex in a natural way.

So the beings on Oomph sent Mal-Funktion to Earth through an astral doorway, to the physical or material plane of existence. We can only speak of one of the beings that he inhabits at this moment in time. And his name, that Mal chose, was Sidney Hipple.

Sidney Hipple was kind of like a beatnik who lived in Egg Chowder USA. Having had limited physical contact with the female gender made Sidney the ideal male candidate for this experiment - because in a lot of ways, from a Flugnoid's point of view, that's what this whole experience that Mal was going to have would be. Mal-Funktion didn't know it yet, but he would go down in Flugnoid history - but that's another story, for another time.

From now on we'll call Mal, "the Observer," or as Sidney Hipple's astral body would think, "the Tenant." The Observer would have no real control over any of Sidney's or the other person's physical atmosphere.

The other human being was unknown except for the following information:

She was a woman involved in the arts. Her parents were very wealthy, but their wealth hadn't tainted her personality. She was the total opposite of a lot of things that Sidney Hipple felt comfortable with. She embodied a whole other atmosphere. She ran in different circles, but was primarily a loner like Sidney. Her appearance would be the last thing that Sidney would expect himself to be attracted to. She would have a severe disability, kind of physical, kind of emotional - this disability would almost seem invisible to other people. She was an only child, and was born and brought up in California. And she would live there all her life - except when she took a trip to Maine, where she meets Sidney Hipple - but that's another story for another time. For now you'll have to be content with some of Sidney's early poetry:

Mr. Mambo

A louse with a Robin Hood complex

Put some mambo into it

Don't treat me like I just got off the turnip truck

Carnivals in the summer

Jail in the winter

Slow down on those fire balls you've been popping

Willie Nelson said I look too grubby

I've got a sex surrogate who has to get drunk

A dish, a doll, a real nice gal

She's an adventuress

She's not a wrench of love

There are no sexual overtones

She was a social director for a pleasure consultant

I don't think a computer could do her job,

unless they have one on wheels


Am I saying too much?

Am I saying too little?

Am I saying it right?

Am I saying it wrong?

Bright like the day

Dark like the night

Sideways, backwards

Forwards, behind

I don't know where I'm going

But I know where I've been

So I guess I'll just go home alone again

Dog fight

Love match

Hating and loving

Loving and wondering

Wondering and hating

What are the motives that we do share?

Is it gone, or is it there?

What are your hopes?

What are your fears?

Tell them to me

Let them disappear

Times are going to get better

We're going to get through this together

And as friends

Separate but together

No matter what happens

We'll see it to the end

We are the opposite

But we are the same

Guitar Junky

My guitar is my syringe

My pick is my spoon

My strings are my flame

When they come together

I'm no longer insane

I'm a guitar junky

My finger are the force

Which propels my music right back to the source

I'm under its spell

There's no use to yell

My soul has been sold

To what my mind has been told

With alligator hands

And crocodile feet

I pick some chords

And tap my feet

Cause I'm a guitar junky

I'm all wound and strung

So I'll sing you a song

And give my guitar a strum

This One Here Ain't Got a Title

A curse: make the Earth bleed

The jungle, a dead finger

The longest walk of his life

Twentieth century man, with a twenty-first century mind

Eating at the stench of me

Kiss of fate

Looky, looky

Cough of dust

Dust of death

Watches life

Go on green

Stop on red

Sleep and rest

At night fly best

Drip of life

Drop of death

The liver quivers

But stands the test

Sleep, travel, and rest

The curse ain't that bad

Let's fly together


Kindness reminds us that dark clouds are behind us

But when I'm upset, after I am, I forget

Cause it was only something stuck in my unconscious

Waiting to be free

To wander and roam but still be home in my mind

All of the time

For you I shine

Curiosity killed the cat

But satisfaction brought it back

Satisfaction kept him there

To be close,

just to be close, so very close to her

It didn't matter where they were

They were together for a moment's blur

An hour felt like a minute

A minute like forever

Forever is a long time, a long time is forever

Today is forever, forever is today

Today is now, now is then, then is gone

Now is here, but now was then, and gone to that

That was it, and lost from us

Lost and drifting, drifting and rocking,

rocking and coasting, coasting and swaying

Like driftwood

I'm drifting

Waves crashing and laughing

Ending with a calm restful sleep

So rest and sleep

The Dog Screams

As noses stroll by

They are unimpressed

By the stench of what the dog did

Some stop by the fence

And pat the dog

Pretending to be its friend

For now

The dog screams for attention

No one is there

To stop

And pat the dog

And the dog just sits

And shits

And looks

The Skillet

She wore a skirt

Made from an old

White and red checkered table cloth

It had a burn mark in the fringe

From a hot skillet

From years past

But it was hers

The Looks

The looks, the whispers

The looks away

Scotch in a styrofoam coffee cup

Toes in money

He's so dumb, he can't find

His hands in his own pockets

Only Asleep

When time is lost

What is left

But the soul

A thousand roads

The realm is frozen

Will I freeze'

Will I break'

If I knew

I could be free

Is it a dream'

Will I wake up'

Am I dead'

Or only asleep'

The Beat

The beat is that beat

That you hear in your sleep

The beat, the vibration

The beat, the vibration

Oscillations through my sensations

Dedication through opposition

If a new riff is added

Don't be

In a minor key

With me

You can't play in two clefs

At the same time

If you don't understand

I'll transpose it into

Another key

We can meet

We don't have to sneak

Just hear that beat

And soon we'll meet

Tonight in our sleep

So smile

So smile

Have peace

Monster Bizarre

It's your Lugosi look

Your clothes could write books

Bela Donna

Words of foam

You're on your own!

All alone, in your sleep

You have everything

And you could become anything

The spirit is willing

But the flesh is weak

Effect required, results received

It's on a frame

Which your brain can't explain

In the back, on a track

Which your mind seems to lack

Until now

Fun bags, milk glands

Rat tail gumbo

And something to eat

Eating monster cake

And monster jello

To the dance of the living dead

When the hear speaks

The mind turns to peanut butter

Sit back and relaz

Have some chips or some dip

Or an ear for Sidney Hipple

The words I hear

Are deceiving, my dear

Your mind's stuck in gear

Pacified until last year

When it becomes clear

The message disappears

But we'll still be here

We'll still be here

Monster bizarre

Your eyes are mirrors

To your soul

To your soul

To your soul

Words of Foam

Words of foam

Eyes of steel

Lips of silk

Feet of milk

Holding your picture

With only one hand

Trying still

To be a man

You've got your descriptions

Full of definitions

Dragging back the past

Don't hold them

Let them die

Please don't cry

It hurts your eyes

And makes me sigh

I'm only a guy

And you're only a woman

Lips of silk

Feet of milk

Let them grin

Let them wilt

The Beach

I sit in my room, looking at a messed up bed

That I haven't bothered to make today

Or change the sheets

I don't know what I'm doing

But I do it anyways

If it makes me feel good,

I'll find out later what it means

In the scheme of things

That's happening to me

At this moment of need

I could go on looking all day at my bed, rumpled up

And say

There has got to be

Another way

To get away

And maybe erased

From my private space

A bottle for a bathroom

A bathroom for a bedroom

A hot plate

A cold date

A day late

A weak fate

One bowl, one plate

And a fork and one knife

That's all I need

To get through this life

Sand on my sheets

It's like being at the beach

A patio pond

A bird with a song

Pigeons galore

A cat at the door

Fingers of the poor

Find their way to my door

A bottle for a bathroom

A bathroom for a bedroom

Sand on my sheets

It's just like at the beach

With popcorn popping on a hot plate red

Now that you've seen some of Sidney Hipple's poems, we leave you with the lyrical composition from "Sidney Has Soul" by Lance Gargoyle:

Sidney Has Soul

On the planet called Oomph

There was a being called Mal Funktion

And he was bumming everybody out

Cause he was asking them about love

What is love all about'

Nobody knew

Cause there were souls hovering above the planet

Waiting to evolve to life

For life, yeah

So Mal comes to Earth

And he embodies

The only person

That he decides is going to find out about love

Nobody on Oomph knew about love, or even cared

And the experiences that he needed to see

He couldn't them unless it was on the planet Earth

He tried to be american, and that's what he was

And Mal, now, will we'll call him Sidney Hipple,

Okay, it finally came out

That for a while and even now

I seem to be possessed

I fear feelings that I need to express

That I need to express, and when I do express it,

It's now, and I remember how

These awful feelings

That I felt for Mal

And Mal for me

Are here

Well there's different things that he

Wouldn't feel in the world

You see the thing is about Mal is

The other person that he projects into was a female

That Sidney had to connect with,

Fall in love, in the natural, in the natural way

And when it happens

Mal Funktion can go back to his astral plane

Time has changed and time has come around

And it's almost time to settle down

And now you know the basic story here

I could explain it as something peculiar

But it ain't

It may be happening all the time

And even when I say it

You don't know what I said

Cause you already forgot it

You can't wake up

If you don't know your asleep

Come on people,

We ain't got all week

We ain't got all week

You can't wake up

If you don't know your asleep

Ah ha zombie!

And the world does not have the incentive

That it used to have

What happens is there is something influencing

Making people less consistent

It's way beyond Panty Cult

It's way beyond the ozone layer going down

If you're not doing a service to humanity

You're doing an disservice

Laughing Dervish Broadcasting - My Autobiography in Life

Revolving Audience