The Glitter Rats
and the Intern
Charles LeMarl
The Weekend Begin
The Glitter Rats This
e-mail Improv started with me asking for suggestions for a title
for a digital painting I had done.
do you see?
you know the title has to have the word "ice" in it
somewhere. Haha!
Freeze Fries Icicle Tickle Glitter Rats
Tickle gets it.
Yayyy for "Icicle Tickle"! That means the Glitter
Rats will have to suit up and try for the gold again...
got a lot of possibilties.That one might have to be trade marked
someday under winter fun productions. Hey Glitter Rats still
gets a prize.It's a great name so I'm gonna title one of my
recent instrumentals with it.Nobody goes away empty handed at
Rufus Bing Productions.
Glitter Rats' manager is deeply appreciative of the kindness
shown to the Rats by the fine folks at Rufus Bing Productions.
May you live long and prosper.
expect positive results from the use of Glitter Rats in one
of our up coming musical creations composed,arranged,performed
and produced by our fine staff of well seasoned musical expressionist.
Chances are it will be an instrumental from our latest studio
recording sessions and in time for our mp3.DOTcom Halloween
releases,one of our favorite release times on mp3DOTcom.
As is our policy at Rufus Bing Productions The Glitter Rats
will be compensated with 13% of all gross profits if any money
is make from the song or any trade mark agreement with any second
You will be notified when the song is uploaded and released.Any
consideration comment you may have at that time will be much
Keep up the great work.I see big things happening with The Glitter
Rufus Bing Productions
you for your confidence in us. The Glitter Rats are forever
grateful to Rufus Bing Productions for all the support you have
given them. Now that the Glitter Rats are poised on the brink
of success, they are working harder than ever, and are in the
studio now even as I write this. Your financial policy is generous,
but the Glitter Rats would like our attorney to meet again with
your staff for further discussions before the final signing
of the contract.
Woopy Warfburg
The Glitter Rats
Mr. Warfburg,
I understand completely your decision to consult your attorney
before continuing further.I wouldn't have it any other way.I'm
sure any comcerns can be negotiated to both our satisfactions.
I see big ,big things happen with The Glitter Rats and we at
RBP are ready to do anything in our power to promote them in
our area which includes Lowell,Boston,Southern New Hampshire,and
the New York and New Jersey areas if the need arises.
By the way the 13% percentage is naturally only the starting
figure we offer..This could be increased if other considerations
come into play but please keep in mind that we assume all expenses
with this project with no cost to you or the Glitter Rats including
any legal difficulties that may occur from Mr. David Bowie and
Mr.Mick Ronson and others of the old school of Glitter.
I heard great things about you.If you are ever in this area
for any reason please feel free to contact our office so we
may have the opportunity to discuss future projects.
Also let me know of other clients you may represent who may
be interesting in our many media projects including but hot
limited to music,art,film,performance art and workshops offer
by RBP.
Have A Great Day.
Sidney Hipple
A+R Director
Rufus Bing Productions
morning Mr Hipple,
Yes things are moving along smoothly and, like you, I too see
great things ahead.
There is one small point about the promotional area, specifically
New Jersey, and even more specifically Atlantic City, New Jersey
that needs to be addressed.
The Glitter Rats spent an unfortunate weekend in Atlantic City
last summer involving drinking, gambling, harsh words with the
local populace, unpaid bills, and a very exciting police chase
that, fortunately for the Glitter Rats, was successful ( from
their point of view ) in that they did manage to get across
the state line and elude capture.
However, since various parties in Atlantic City feel ( incorrectly,
of course ) that the Glitter Rats owe them some money, and since
the Glitter Rats do not feel confident that the local law enforcement
there would be inclined to "protect" them, they are
anxious that no promotional events, signings, gigs, etc be scheduled
in or around the Atlantic City area.
I am thankful for your consideration of this, Mr Hipple, and
I hope it does not incline you to view the Glitter Rats in a
negative light. They are really a fine bunch of performers,
regardless of how the bumps and bruises of fortune may sometimes
cast them as the "bad" guys. Mr Hipple, you can trust
that they are in fact "good".
Woopy Warfburg
The Glitter Rats
That's not a problem.I've seen it all and sometimes it's just
part of the business.Here at RBP we try to stay focused on the
artists content more than past history or life style.
In the next year we could be networking with and establishing
satellite offices around the east coast,west coast,and working
our way tthrough middle america.I'm sure more opportunities
will become available in other states for the Glitter Rats and
our many other clients.Canada,Mexico and all of South America
are also on our list.
It's an honor being involved with The glitter Rats and I still
think they are the coolest band name we've heard here in a long
Keep up the good work.I'll be in touch.
R B Productions
Mr Hipple,
Thanks for your friendly reply. I too believe it's the artists
content that matters and not any minor scrapes they get into.
I hate to add another qualifier, but since you are expanding
the area of your coverage, I have to bring up the Glitter Rats'
concerns about locations. You know of Atlantic City of course,
but there are a couple of other towns where the Glitter Rats
do not feel they would receive a hearty welcome. I would list
them here in this letter but The Glitter Rats are still compiling
the list.
Please don't be upset about the delay. It's just that one of
them remembers one place and another remembers another place
and Joey remembers places that the others say are really OK.
You know how it is when you have a group of active young musicians
who have been exposed to a lot of loud music and other things.
Maybe their memories are not what they should be and maybe they
are a little more argumentative than more stable folk might
be... But I will get that list to you ASAP.
Woopy Warfburg
The Glitter Rats
Mr. Woopy Warfburg,
Don't worry about any past events with the Glitter Rats.Once
you're choosen by Rufus Bing Productions we stick by you no
matter what.Besides the titling of songs were completed this
past weekend and I am glad to announce the Glitter Rats name
was selected. You can find
the song at this location on
Any comments will be appreciated.
Sidney Hipple
I regret to inform you that the number of Glitter Rats has diminished
from 7 to 6. Last night, Joey Amigliani, our xylophone player,
left the group. It was triggered by an argument with other band
members, but I think he has been feeling restless for the last
few months and just looking for an excuse to leave.
I can assure you that it will make no difference in the quality
of the Glitter Rats' performance. I can think of only two numbers
where Joey's xylophone playing made any noticeable difference.
His plaintive tinklings on "I Want You" will be missed.
That song will have to be rearranged. And I suppose our punk
jazz arrangement of "Colonel Bogey's March" will need
reworking. Otherwise, "Hasta la vista, Joey!"
The rest of the band is OK with Joey's exit except for Darlene,
his ex-girlfriend. Why she should be upset, I don't know, since
they broke up 3 months ago and she is now going with our drummer,
Andy Hammerhead.
I am still working on the list of "places where the Glitter
Rats are no longer welcome". I am sure I can finish it
up quickly now that Joey no longer has any input to the discussion.
Woopy Warfburg
the Glltter Rats
To be Continued...